nb2. Query a catalogue |
In this notebook three functions are presented which query a (moderately long) list of sources from a catalogue:
For lists with a very large number of sources, run one query per block of 100 sources. See Example 2b and Example 2d.
The relevant columns in the ALMA Archive datasets are
import astropy
import astropy.coordinates
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
import numpy as np
import pyvo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.eso.org/tap") # for the EU ALMA TAP service
# service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.nao.ac.jp/tap") # for the EA ALMA TAP service
# service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.nrao.edu/tap") # for the NA ALMA TAP service
def query_coordinate_list(service, ra_list, dec_list, radius):
"""Runs a single query for an entire list of coordinates. Query only 100 or less coordinates in one go.
service pyvo TAPService instance
ra_list List of Right Ascension values in decimal degrees
dec List of Declination values in decimal degrees
radius Search radius in decimal degrees
returns pandas table
conditionlist = [f"INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS',{c[0]},{c[1]},{radius}),s_region)=1" for c in zip(ra_list, dec_list)]
query = f"""
FROM ivoa.obscore
WHERE {" OR ".join(conditionlist)}"""
return service.search(query).to_table().to_pandas()
def query_resolved_source_name_list(service, source_name_list, radius):
"""Resolves the list of source names with Sesame and runs a coordinate search on them
service pyvo TAPService instance
source_name_list list with source names
returns pandas table
coordinates = []
for source in source_name_list:
except astropy.coordinates.name_resolve.NameResolveError:
print(f"Warning: source '{source}' could not be resolved by Sesame.")
return query_coordinate_list(service, [c.ra.degree for c in coordinates], [c.dec.degree for c in coordinates], radius)
def query_alma_source_name_list(service, source_name_list):
"""queries for list of source names as given by the PI in the ALMA proposals
service pyvo TAPService instance
source_name_lis complete source name
returns pandas table
query = f"""
FROM ivoa.obscore
WHERE target_name in ('{"','".join(source_name_list)}') """
return service.search(query).to_table().to_pandas()
First we import a catalogue of high redshift quasars from VizieR, using astroquery:
from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
catalog_list = Vizier.get_catalogs('J/ApJS/227/11')
highzqso_catalog = catalog_list['J/ApJS/227/11/highzqso']
print(f"Number of (limited) rows in the catalog: {len(highzqso_catalog)}")
Number of (limited) rows in the catalog: 50
Note: VizieR limits the number of catalogue entries to 50 per default. We will now use the RA and Dec coordinates in the catalogue to do the search in the ALMA archive.
ra_list = highzqso_catalog['RAJ2000']
dec_list = highzqso_catalog['DEJ2000']
We now query the ALMA archive:
results = query_coordinate_list(service, ra_list, dec_list, 0.01)
results.head(5) ### show only 5, for visualization purposes
access_url | access_format | proposal_id | data_rights | gal_longitude | gal_latitude | obs_publisher_did | obs_collection | facility_name | instrument_name | obs_id | dataproduct_type | calib_level | target_name | s_ra | s_dec | s_fov | s_region | s_resolution | t_min | t_max | t_exptime | t_resolution | em_min | em_max | em_res_power | pol_states | o_ucd | band_list | em_resolution | authors | pub_abstract | publication_year | proposal_abstract | schedblock_name | proposal_authors | sensitivity_10kms | cont_sensitivity_bandwidth | pwv | group_ous_uid | member_ous_uid | asdm_uid | obs_title | type | scan_intent | science_observation | spatial_scale_max | bandwidth | antenna_arrays | is_mosaic | obs_release_date | spatial_resolution | frequency_support | frequency | velocity_resolution | obs_creator_name | pub_title | first_author | qa2_passed | bib_reference | science_keyword | scientific_category | lastModified | |
0 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001066 | 0.001073 | 9002.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.040025 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
1 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001022 | 0.001029 | 9386.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.152586 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
2 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001058 | 0.001066 | 9064.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.049808 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
3 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001015 | 0.001022 | 9450.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.160251 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
4 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00243.S | Public | 166.654305 | -60.934934 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00243.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X3ff4ae/X36 | image | 2 | CFHQSJ0210-0456 | 32.554958 | -4.939142 | 0.006483 | Circle ICRS 32.554958 -4.939142 0.003242 | 0.542146 | 56112.416643 | 56149.305258 | 6168.96 | 6168.96 | 0.001158 | 0.001167 | 8284.55000 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 9.593943 | Ando, Ryo; Kohno, Kotaro; Tamura, Yoichi; Izum... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | We propose to observe two z=6.4 quasars to det... | CFHQSJ0210-0456 Band 6 | Omont, Alain; Bergeron, Jacqueline; | 1.378055 | 0.041881 | 1.61117 | uid://A002/X3ff4ae/X36 | uid://A002/X44f2b6/X201 | The black hole - galaxy mass relationship at r... | S | TARGET | T | 5.137521 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A008:DV19 A011:DV12 A015:D... | F | 2013-09-13T20:05:00.000 | 0.542146 | [240.09..242.08GHz,31250.00kHz,1.2mJy/beam@10k... | 249.485053 | 36186.933267 | Willott, Chris | ALMA Census of Faint 1.2 mm Sources Down to ~ ... | Ando, Ryo Bischetti, M. Carniani, S. Champagne... | T | 2013ApJ...770...13W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2015A&... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
We can now plot the distribution of ALMA observed quasars from the chosen catalogue.
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,10)
plt.plot(ra_list, dec_list, ls='', marker='.', ms=9, label='all')
plt.plot(results['s_ra'],results['s_dec'], ls='', marker='o', ms=12, fillstyle='none', label='observed by ALMA')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f1ac048f8d0>
Please run several queries in case the number of sources in your list is very large.
Not more than 100 sources should be submitted in a single query. For large catalogues, several queries should be submitted consecutively. Explicitly telling VizieR that no limit shall be placed on the results to return, we obtain:
catalog_list = Vizier.get_catalogs('J/ApJS/227/11')
highzqso_catalog = catalog_list['J/ApJS/227/11/highzqso']
print(f"Number of (unlimited) rows in the catalog: {len(highzqso_catalog)}")
ra_list = highzqso_catalog['RAJ2000']
dec_list = highzqso_catalog['DEJ2000']
Number of (unlimited) rows in the catalog: 173
We will now use the RA and Dec coordinates in the catalogue to do the search in the ALMA archive in chunks of 100 results. These results are then combined back into a single pandas table.
result = pd.concat([query_coordinate_list(service, ra_list[i:i+100], dec_list[i:i+100], 0.01) for i in range(0, len(ra_list), 100)])
print(f"Number of ALMA rows returned for the {len(highzqso_catalog)} catalog entries: {len(result)}")
results.head(5) ### show only 5, for visualization purposes
Number of ALMA rows returned for the 173 catalog entries: 704
access_url | access_format | proposal_id | data_rights | gal_longitude | gal_latitude | obs_publisher_did | obs_collection | facility_name | instrument_name | obs_id | dataproduct_type | calib_level | target_name | s_ra | s_dec | s_fov | s_region | s_resolution | t_min | t_max | t_exptime | t_resolution | em_min | em_max | em_res_power | pol_states | o_ucd | band_list | em_resolution | authors | pub_abstract | publication_year | proposal_abstract | schedblock_name | proposal_authors | sensitivity_10kms | cont_sensitivity_bandwidth | pwv | group_ous_uid | member_ous_uid | asdm_uid | obs_title | type | scan_intent | science_observation | spatial_scale_max | bandwidth | antenna_arrays | is_mosaic | obs_release_date | spatial_resolution | frequency_support | frequency | velocity_resolution | obs_creator_name | pub_title | first_author | qa2_passed | bib_reference | science_keyword | scientific_category | lastModified | |
0 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001066 | 0.001073 | 9002.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.040025 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
1 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001022 | 0.001029 | 9386.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.152586 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
2 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001058 | 0.001066 | 9064.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.049808 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
3 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001015 | 0.001022 | 9450.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.160251 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
4 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00243.S | Public | 166.654305 | -60.934934 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00243.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X3ff4ae/X36 | image | 2 | CFHQSJ0210-0456 | 32.554958 | -4.939142 | 0.006483 | Circle ICRS 32.554958 -4.939142 0.003242 | 0.542146 | 56112.416643 | 56149.305258 | 6168.96 | 6168.96 | 0.001158 | 0.001167 | 8284.55000 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 9.593943 | Ando, Ryo; Kohno, Kotaro; Tamura, Yoichi; Izum... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | We propose to observe two z=6.4 quasars to det... | CFHQSJ0210-0456 Band 6 | Omont, Alain; Bergeron, Jacqueline; | 1.378055 | 0.041881 | 1.61117 | uid://A002/X3ff4ae/X36 | uid://A002/X44f2b6/X201 | The black hole - galaxy mass relationship at r... | S | TARGET | T | 5.137521 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A008:DV19 A011:DV12 A015:D... | F | 2013-09-13T20:05:00.000 | 0.542146 | [240.09..242.08GHz,31250.00kHz,1.2mJy/beam@10k... | 249.485053 | 36186.933267 | Willott, Chris | ALMA Census of Faint 1.2 mm Sources Down to ~ ... | Ando, Ryo Bischetti, M. Carniani, S. Champagne... | T | 2013ApJ...770...13W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2015A&... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
We can now plot the distribution of ALMA observed quasars from the chosen catalogue.
The function query_resolved_source_name_list will query Sesame for each source name and then query the ALMA TAP service with the returned coordinates. If a source is not known by Sesame (like the 'unknownsourcename' we have put in explicitly), then the function writes out a warning.
source_name_list = ['CenA', 'M83', 'ALESS73.1', 'unknownsourcename']
query_resolved_source_name_list(service, source_name_list, 0.01).head(5)
Warning: source 'unknownsourcename' could not be resolved by Sesame.
access_url | access_format | proposal_id | data_rights | gal_longitude | gal_latitude | obs_publisher_did | obs_collection | facility_name | instrument_name | obs_id | dataproduct_type | calib_level | target_name | s_ra | s_dec | s_fov | s_region | s_resolution | t_min | t_max | t_exptime | t_resolution | em_min | em_max | em_res_power | pol_states | o_ucd | band_list | em_resolution | authors | pub_abstract | publication_year | proposal_abstract | schedblock_name | proposal_authors | sensitivity_10kms | cont_sensitivity_bandwidth | pwv | group_ous_uid | member_ous_uid | asdm_uid | obs_title | type | scan_intent | science_observation | spatial_scale_max | bandwidth | antenna_arrays | is_mosaic | obs_release_date | spatial_resolution | frequency_support | frequency | velocity_resolution | obs_creator_name | pub_title | first_author | qa2_passed | bib_reference | science_keyword | scientific_category | lastModified | |
0 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00008.SV | Public | 309.512363 | 19.416239 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00008.SV | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X259150/X157 | cube | 2 | Centaurus A | 201.360719 | -43.020553 | 0.058089 | Polygon ICRS 201.401254 -43.032096 201.401354 ... | 1.023315 | 55784.795689 | 55785.043473 | 344.261 | 344.261 | 0.001221 | 0.001231 | 251315.70776 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 306.959997 | Azeez, Jazeel H.; Abidin, Zamri Z.; Hwang, C. ... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2014 | Science Verification (SV) is the process by wh... | CenA mosaic | 13.319542 | 0.432702 | 1.663192 | uid://A002/X259150/X157 | uid://A002/X2762c7/X132 | Science verification observation of Centaurus A | SV | TARGET WVR | T | 9.714115 | 1.875000e+09 | A004:DV07 A008:DV09 A009:DA41 A011:DV12 A015:D... | T | 2016-06-24T14:02:07.000 | 1.023315 | [229.20..231.08GHz,976.56kHz,13.2mJy/beam@10km... | 238.261613 | 1183.847494 | observatory, ALMA | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | Azeez, Jazeel H. Israel, F. P. McCoy, Mark | T | 2014A&A...562A..96I 2017AdAst2017E...6A 2017Ap... | Galactic centres/nuclei, Active Galactic Nucle... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | ||
1 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00008.SV | Public | 309.512363 | 19.416239 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00008.SV | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X259150/X157 | cube | 2 | Centaurus A | 201.360719 | -43.020553 | 0.058089 | Polygon ICRS 201.401254 -43.032096 201.401354 ... | 1.023315 | 55784.795689 | 55785.043473 | 344.261 | 344.261 | 0.001212 | 0.001221 | 253235.70776 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 306.959997 | Azeez, Jazeel H.; Abidin, Zamri Z.; Hwang, C. ... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2014 | Science Verification (SV) is the process by wh... | CenA mosaic | 13.283133 | 0.432702 | 1.663192 | uid://A002/X259150/X157 | uid://A002/X2762c7/X132 | Science verification observation of Centaurus A | SV | TARGET WVR | T | 9.714115 | 1.875000e+09 | A004:DV07 A008:DV09 A009:DA41 A011:DV12 A015:D... | T | 2016-06-24T14:02:07.000 | 1.023315 | [229.20..231.08GHz,976.56kHz,13.2mJy/beam@10km... | 238.261613 | 1183.847494 | observatory, ALMA | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | Azeez, Jazeel H. Israel, F. P. McCoy, Mark | T | 2014A&A...562A..96I 2017AdAst2017E...6A 2017Ap... | Galactic centres/nuclei, Active Galactic Nucle... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | ||
2 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00008.SV | Public | 309.512363 | 19.416239 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00008.SV | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X259150/X157 | cube | 2 | Centaurus A | 201.360719 | -43.020553 | 0.058089 | Polygon ICRS 201.401254 -43.032096 201.401354 ... | 1.023315 | 55784.795689 | 55785.043473 | 344.261 | 344.261 | 0.001297 | 0.001308 | 236599.53752 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 306.959997 | Azeez, Jazeel H.; Abidin, Zamri Z.; Hwang, C. ... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2014 | Science Verification (SV) is the process by wh... | CenA mosaic | 13.238502 | 0.432702 | 1.663192 | uid://A002/X259150/X157 | uid://A002/X2762c7/X132 | Science verification observation of Centaurus A | SV | TARGET WVR | T | 9.714115 | 1.875000e+09 | A004:DV07 A008:DV09 A009:DA41 A011:DV12 A015:D... | T | 2016-06-24T14:02:07.000 | 1.023315 | [229.20..231.08GHz,976.56kHz,13.2mJy/beam@10km... | 238.261613 | 1183.847494 | observatory, ALMA | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | Azeez, Jazeel H. Israel, F. P. McCoy, Mark | T | 2014A&A...562A..96I 2017AdAst2017E...6A 2017Ap... | Galactic centres/nuclei, Active Galactic Nucle... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | ||
3 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00008.SV | Public | 309.512363 | 19.416239 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00008.SV | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X259150/X157 | cube | 2 | Centaurus A | 201.360719 | -43.020553 | 0.058089 | Polygon ICRS 201.401254 -43.032096 201.401354 ... | 1.023315 | 55784.795689 | 55785.043473 | 344.261 | 344.261 | 0.001287 | 0.001297 | 238519.53752 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 306.959997 | Azeez, Jazeel H.; Abidin, Zamri Z.; Hwang, C. ... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2014 | Science Verification (SV) is the process by wh... | CenA mosaic | 13.354480 | 0.432702 | 1.663192 | uid://A002/X259150/X157 | uid://A002/X2762c7/X132 | Science verification observation of Centaurus A | SV | TARGET WVR | T | 9.714115 | 1.875000e+09 | A004:DV07 A008:DV09 A009:DA41 A011:DV12 A015:D... | T | 2016-06-24T14:02:07.000 | 1.023315 | [229.20..231.08GHz,976.56kHz,13.2mJy/beam@10km... | 238.261613 | 1183.847494 | observatory, ALMA | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | Azeez, Jazeel H. Israel, F. P. McCoy, Mark | T | 2014A&A...562A..96I 2017AdAst2017E...6A 2017Ap... | Galactic centres/nuclei, Active Galactic Nucle... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | ||
4 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00294.S | Public | 223.796099 | -54.451777 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00294.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A001/X6f/X2c | image | 2 | LESSJ033229.3-275619 | 53.122208 | -27.938694 | 0.004702 | Circle ICRS 53.122208 -27.938694 0.002351 | 1.035258 | 55852.408470 | 55852.482915 | 104.832 | 104.832 | 0.000857 | 0.000861 | 11199.57640 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.592993 | Chen, Chian-Chou; Smail, Ian; Swinbank, A. M.;... | For high-redshift submillimetre or millimetre ... | 2012 | Ultraluminous infrared galaxies, specifically ... | Targets17-32 | Rix, Hans-Walter; Chapman, Scott; Dannerbauer,... | 9.798230 | 0.364525 | 0.403179 | uid://A001/X6f/X2c | uid://A002/X2e7826/Xbc4 | More than LESS: The first fully-identified sub... | S | TARGET WVR | T | 8.351593 | 2.000000e+09 | A002:PM02 A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2013-02-15T13:06:05.000 | 1.035258 | [336.02..338.00GHz,31250.00kHz,9.5mJy/beam@10k... | 344.007696 | 26616.098418 | Smail, Ian | A Submillimeter Perspective on the GOODS Field... | Chen, Chian-Chou Cowie, L. L. Danielson, A. L.... | T | 2012MNRAS.427.1066S 2013ApJ...768...91H 2013Ap... | Sub-mm Galaxies (SMG), Luminous and Ultra-Lumi... | Galaxy evolution | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
We query a lisf of many sources in groups of 100 sources at a time and combine the result into a single pandas dataframe.
query = """SELECT DISTINCT(target_name) from ivoa.obscore where target_name like 'NGC____'"""
source_name_list = list(service.search(query).to_table().to_pandas()['(target_name)'].values)
result = pd.concat([query_resolved_source_name_list(service, source_name_list[i:i+100], 0.006) for i in range(0, len(source_name_list), 100)])
print(f"Number of ALMA rows returned for the {len(source_name_list)} sources in the list: {len(result)}")
Warning: source 'NGCglob' could not be resolved by Sesame. Number of ALMA rows returned for the 320 sources in the list: 6252
access_url | access_format | proposal_id | data_rights | gal_longitude | gal_latitude | obs_publisher_did | obs_collection | facility_name | instrument_name | obs_id | dataproduct_type | calib_level | target_name | s_ra | s_dec | s_fov | s_region | s_resolution | t_min | t_max | t_exptime | t_resolution | em_min | em_max | em_res_power | pol_states | o_ucd | band_list | em_resolution | authors | pub_abstract | publication_year | proposal_abstract | schedblock_name | proposal_authors | sensitivity_10kms | cont_sensitivity_bandwidth | pwv | group_ous_uid | member_ous_uid | asdm_uid | obs_title | type | scan_intent | science_observation | spatial_scale_max | bandwidth | antenna_arrays | is_mosaic | obs_release_date | spatial_resolution | frequency_support | frequency | velocity_resolution | obs_creator_name | pub_title | first_author | qa2_passed | bib_reference | science_keyword | scientific_category | lastModified | |
0 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001066 | 0.001073 | 9002.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.040025 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
1 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001022 | 0.001029 | 9386.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.152586 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
2 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001058 | 0.001066 | 9064.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.049808 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
3 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00206.S | Public | 143.742975 | -61.898944 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00206.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | image | 2 | J0129-0035 | 22.493792 | -0.594361 | 0.005630 | Circle ICRS 22.493792 -0.594361 0.002815 | 0.473461 | 56069.496754 | 56069.574857 | 2661.12 | 2661.12 | 0.001015 | 0.001022 | 9450.45608 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 7 | 9.593760 | Champagne, Jaclyn B.; Decarli, Roberto; Casey,... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | Huge amounts of far-infrared (FIR)-emitting wa... | J0129-0035 | Narayanan, Desika; Riechers, Dominik; Fan, Xia... | 1.160251 | 0.037899 | 0.90717 | uid://A002/X391d0b/X22 | uid://A002/X411025/X6d7 | Dust continum and [C II] line emission from qu... | S | TARGET | T | 4.264570 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A011:DV12 A021:DV08 A025:D... | F | 2013-06-25T16:06:00.000 | 0.473461 | [279.33..281.31GHz,31250.00kHz,1mJy/beam@10km/... | 287.322530 | 31722.538623 | Wang, Ran | Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ ... | Champagne, Jaclyn B. Jones, G. C. Miller, Tim ... | T | 2013ApJ...773...44W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2017Ap... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
4 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00243.S | Public | 166.654305 | -60.934934 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00243.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X3ff4ae/X36 | image | 2 | CFHQSJ0210-0456 | 32.554958 | -4.939142 | 0.006483 | Circle ICRS 32.554958 -4.939142 0.003242 | 0.542146 | 56112.416643 | 56149.305258 | 6168.96 | 6168.96 | 0.001158 | 0.001167 | 8284.55000 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 9.593943 | Ando, Ryo; Kohno, Kotaro; Tamura, Yoichi; Izum... | Bright high-redshift quasars (z > 6) hostin... | 2013 | We propose to observe two z=6.4 quasars to det... | CFHQSJ0210-0456 Band 6 | Omont, Alain; Bergeron, Jacqueline; | 1.378055 | 0.041881 | 1.61117 | uid://A002/X3ff4ae/X36 | uid://A002/X44f2b6/X201 | The black hole - galaxy mass relationship at r... | S | TARGET | T | 5.137521 | 2.000000e+09 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A008:DV19 A011:DV12 A015:D... | F | 2013-09-13T20:05:00.000 | 0.542146 | [240.09..242.08GHz,31250.00kHz,1.2mJy/beam@10k... | 249.485053 | 36186.933267 | Willott, Chris | ALMA Census of Faint 1.2 mm Sources Down to ~ ... | Ando, Ryo Bischetti, M. Carniani, S. Champagne... | T | 2013ApJ...770...13W 2014ApJ...795....5O 2015A&... | High-z Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Active Ga... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
Although in most cases the coordinate query or the source name resolving queries should be preferred, there may be occasions where it is useful to query directly for the source name as given by the PI.
source_name_list = ['CenA', 'M83', 'ALESS73.1']
results = query_alma_source_name_list(service, source_name_list)
access_url | access_format | proposal_id | data_rights | gal_longitude | gal_latitude | obs_publisher_did | obs_collection | facility_name | instrument_name | obs_id | dataproduct_type | calib_level | target_name | s_ra | s_dec | s_fov | s_region | s_resolution | t_min | t_max | t_exptime | t_resolution | em_min | em_max | em_res_power | pol_states | o_ucd | band_list | em_resolution | authors | pub_abstract | publication_year | proposal_abstract | schedblock_name | proposal_authors | sensitivity_10kms | cont_sensitivity_bandwidth | pwv | group_ous_uid | member_ous_uid | asdm_uid | obs_title | type | scan_intent | science_observation | spatial_scale_max | bandwidth | antenna_arrays | is_mosaic | obs_release_date | spatial_resolution | frequency_support | frequency | velocity_resolution | obs_creator_name | pub_title | first_author | qa2_passed | bib_reference | science_keyword | scientific_category | lastModified | |
0 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00010.S | Public | 309.515914 | 19.417224 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00010.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | cube | 2 | CenA | 201.365063 | -43.019112 | 0.007385 | Circle ICRS 201.365063 -43.019112 0.003692 | 1.330912 | 55950.253573 | 55950.305961 | 1512.000 | 1512.000 | 0.001360 | 0.001366 | 451534.98200 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 614.023326 | McCoy, Mark; Ott, Jürgen; Meier, David S.; Mul... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2017 | Centaurus A with its host NGC5128 is the most ... | CenA 13CO, C18O, HNCO, H2CO COMP | Impellizzeri, Violette; Peck, Alison; Walter, ... | 1.398342 | 0.061695 | 0.852892 | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | uid://A002/X383b50/Xc45 | The Physics and Chemisty of Gas in Centaurus A... | S | TARGET | T | 12.599759 | 937500000.0 | A002:PM02 A004:DV04 A009:DA43 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2015-02-12T13:48:59.000 | 1.330912 | [217.59..218.53GHz,488.28kHz,1.4mJy/beam@10km/... | 219.025328 | 663.940713 | Ott, Juergen | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | McCoy, Mark | T | 2017ApJ...851...76M | Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Me... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
1 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00010.S | Public | 309.515914 | 19.417224 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00010.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | cube | 2 | CenA | 201.365063 | -43.019112 | 0.007385 | Circle ICRS 201.365063 -43.019112 0.003692 | 1.330912 | 55950.253573 | 55950.305961 | 1512.000 | 1512.000 | 0.001364 | 0.001369 | 450286.77208 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 614.023326 | McCoy, Mark; Ott, Jürgen; Meier, David S.; Mul... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2017 | Centaurus A with its host NGC5128 is the most ... | CenA 13CO, C18O, HNCO, H2CO COMP | Impellizzeri, Violette; Peck, Alison; Walter, ... | 1.399871 | 0.061695 | 0.852892 | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | uid://A002/X383b50/Xc45 | The Physics and Chemisty of Gas in Centaurus A... | S | TARGET | T | 12.599759 | 937500000.0 | A002:PM02 A004:DV04 A009:DA43 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2015-02-12T13:48:59.000 | 1.330912 | [217.59..218.53GHz,488.28kHz,1.4mJy/beam@10km/... | 219.025328 | 663.940713 | Ott, Juergen | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | McCoy, Mark | T | 2017ApJ...851...76M | Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Me... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
2 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00010.S | Public | 309.515914 | 19.417224 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00010.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | cube | 2 | CenA | 201.365063 | -43.019112 | 0.007385 | Circle ICRS 201.365063 -43.019112 0.003692 | 1.330912 | 55950.253573 | 55950.305961 | 1512.000 | 1512.000 | 0.001372 | 0.001378 | 447582.94104 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 614.023326 | McCoy, Mark; Ott, Jürgen; Meier, David S.; Mul... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2017 | Centaurus A with its host NGC5128 is the most ... | CenA 13CO, C18O, HNCO, H2CO COMP | Impellizzeri, Violette; Peck, Alison; Walter, ... | 1.390897 | 0.061695 | 0.852892 | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | uid://A002/X383b50/Xc45 | The Physics and Chemisty of Gas in Centaurus A... | S | TARGET | T | 12.599759 | 937500000.0 | A002:PM02 A004:DV04 A009:DA43 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2015-02-12T13:48:59.000 | 1.330912 | [217.59..218.53GHz,488.28kHz,1.4mJy/beam@10km/... | 219.025328 | 663.940713 | Ott, Juergen | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | McCoy, Mark | T | 2017ApJ...851...76M | Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Me... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
3 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00010.S | Public | 309.515914 | 19.417224 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00010.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | cube | 2 | CenA | 201.365063 | -43.019112 | 0.007385 | Circle ICRS 201.365063 -43.019112 0.003692 | 1.330912 | 55950.253573 | 55950.305961 | 1512.000 | 1512.000 | 0.001365 | 0.001371 | 449784.96600 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 614.023326 | McCoy, Mark; Ott, Jürgen; Meier, David S.; Mul... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2017 | Centaurus A with its host NGC5128 is the most ... | CenA 13CO, C18O, HNCO, H2CO COMP | Impellizzeri, Violette; Peck, Alison; Walter, ... | 1.400488 | 0.061695 | 0.852892 | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | uid://A002/X383b50/Xc45 | The Physics and Chemisty of Gas in Centaurus A... | S | TARGET | T | 12.599759 | 937500000.0 | A002:PM02 A004:DV04 A009:DA43 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2015-02-12T13:48:59.000 | 1.330912 | [217.59..218.53GHz,488.28kHz,1.4mJy/beam@10km/... | 219.025328 | 663.940713 | Ott, Juergen | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | McCoy, Mark | T | 2017ApJ...851...76M | Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Me... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
4 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00772.S | Public | 314.600374 | 31.972870 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00772.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X3216af/X31 | cube | 2 | M83 | 204.269845 | -29.862594 | 0.054640 | Polygon ICRS 204.258830 -29.886906 204.254315 ... | 1.140462 | 56013.300683 | 56166.036243 | 757.304 | 757.304 | 0.002951 | 0.002979 | 208012.55000 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 3 | 614.003552 | Egusa, Fumi; Hirota, Akihiko; Baba, Junichi; M... | We describe an archival project using Cycle 0 ... | 2016 | Molecular-rich galaxies with prominent galacti... | m83-CO(1-0)-com m83-CO(1-0)-ext | Muraoka, Kazuyuki; Nakanishi, Kouichiro; Ishiz... | 11.590735 | 0.278101 | 1.821328 | uid://A002/X3216af/X31 | uid://A002/X3b3400/X90f | Giant Molecular Cloud Survey Toward bar and ar... | S | TARGET | T | 11.275626 | 937500000.0 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A008:DV19 A011:DV12 A015:D... | T | 2013-09-28T08:06:00.000 | 1.140462 | [100.63..101.58GHz,488.28kHz,11.6mJy/beam@10km... | 108.009449 | 1268.661088 | Hirota, Akihiko | ALMA <SUP>12</SUP>CO (J = 1-0) imaging of the ... | Egusa, Fumi Hirota, Akihiko Serigano, Joseph W... | T | 2016ApJ...821L...8S 2018ApJ...854...90E 2018MN... | Giant Molecular Clouds (GMC) properties, Inter... | ISM and star formation | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
We query a lisf of many sources in groups of 100 sources at a time and combine the result into a single pandas dataframe.
query = """SELECT DISTINCT(target_name) from ivoa.obscore where target_name like 'NGC____'"""
source_name_list = list(service.search(query).to_table().to_pandas()['(target_name)'].values)
result = pd.concat([query_alma_source_name_list(service, source_name_list[i:i+100]) for i in range(0, len(source_name_list), 100)])
print(f"Number of ALMA rows returned for the {len(source_name_list)} sources in the list: {len(result)}")
Number of ALMA rows returned for the 320 sources in the list: 4611
access_url | access_format | proposal_id | data_rights | gal_longitude | gal_latitude | obs_publisher_did | obs_collection | facility_name | instrument_name | obs_id | dataproduct_type | calib_level | target_name | s_ra | s_dec | s_fov | s_region | s_resolution | t_min | t_max | t_exptime | t_resolution | em_min | em_max | em_res_power | pol_states | o_ucd | band_list | em_resolution | authors | pub_abstract | publication_year | proposal_abstract | schedblock_name | proposal_authors | sensitivity_10kms | cont_sensitivity_bandwidth | pwv | group_ous_uid | member_ous_uid | asdm_uid | obs_title | type | scan_intent | science_observation | spatial_scale_max | bandwidth | antenna_arrays | is_mosaic | obs_release_date | spatial_resolution | frequency_support | frequency | velocity_resolution | obs_creator_name | pub_title | first_author | qa2_passed | bib_reference | science_keyword | scientific_category | lastModified | |
0 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00010.S | Public | 309.515914 | 19.417224 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00010.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | cube | 2 | CenA | 201.365063 | -43.019112 | 0.007385 | Circle ICRS 201.365063 -43.019112 0.003692 | 1.330912 | 55950.253573 | 55950.305961 | 1512.000 | 1512.000 | 0.001360 | 0.001366 | 451534.98200 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 614.023326 | McCoy, Mark; Ott, Jürgen; Meier, David S.; Mul... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2017 | Centaurus A with its host NGC5128 is the most ... | CenA 13CO, C18O, HNCO, H2CO COMP | Impellizzeri, Violette; Peck, Alison; Walter, ... | 1.398342 | 0.061695 | 0.852892 | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | uid://A002/X383b50/Xc45 | The Physics and Chemisty of Gas in Centaurus A... | S | TARGET | T | 12.599759 | 937500000.0 | A002:PM02 A004:DV04 A009:DA43 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2015-02-12T13:48:59.000 | 1.330912 | [217.59..218.53GHz,488.28kHz,1.4mJy/beam@10km/... | 219.025328 | 663.940713 | Ott, Juergen | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | McCoy, Mark | T | 2017ApJ...851...76M | Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Me... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
1 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00010.S | Public | 309.515914 | 19.417224 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00010.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | cube | 2 | CenA | 201.365063 | -43.019112 | 0.007385 | Circle ICRS 201.365063 -43.019112 0.003692 | 1.330912 | 55950.253573 | 55950.305961 | 1512.000 | 1512.000 | 0.001364 | 0.001369 | 450286.77208 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 614.023326 | McCoy, Mark; Ott, Jürgen; Meier, David S.; Mul... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2017 | Centaurus A with its host NGC5128 is the most ... | CenA 13CO, C18O, HNCO, H2CO COMP | Impellizzeri, Violette; Peck, Alison; Walter, ... | 1.399871 | 0.061695 | 0.852892 | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | uid://A002/X383b50/Xc45 | The Physics and Chemisty of Gas in Centaurus A... | S | TARGET | T | 12.599759 | 937500000.0 | A002:PM02 A004:DV04 A009:DA43 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2015-02-12T13:48:59.000 | 1.330912 | [217.59..218.53GHz,488.28kHz,1.4mJy/beam@10km/... | 219.025328 | 663.940713 | Ott, Juergen | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | McCoy, Mark | T | 2017ApJ...851...76M | Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Me... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
2 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00010.S | Public | 309.515914 | 19.417224 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00010.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | cube | 2 | CenA | 201.365063 | -43.019112 | 0.007385 | Circle ICRS 201.365063 -43.019112 0.003692 | 1.330912 | 55950.253573 | 55950.305961 | 1512.000 | 1512.000 | 0.001372 | 0.001378 | 447582.94104 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 614.023326 | McCoy, Mark; Ott, Jürgen; Meier, David S.; Mul... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2017 | Centaurus A with its host NGC5128 is the most ... | CenA 13CO, C18O, HNCO, H2CO COMP | Impellizzeri, Violette; Peck, Alison; Walter, ... | 1.390897 | 0.061695 | 0.852892 | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | uid://A002/X383b50/Xc45 | The Physics and Chemisty of Gas in Centaurus A... | S | TARGET | T | 12.599759 | 937500000.0 | A002:PM02 A004:DV04 A009:DA43 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2015-02-12T13:48:59.000 | 1.330912 | [217.59..218.53GHz,488.28kHz,1.4mJy/beam@10km/... | 219.025328 | 663.940713 | Ott, Juergen | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | McCoy, Mark | T | 2017ApJ...851...76M | Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Me... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
3 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00010.S | Public | 309.515914 | 19.417224 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00010.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | cube | 2 | CenA | 201.365063 | -43.019112 | 0.007385 | Circle ICRS 201.365063 -43.019112 0.003692 | 1.330912 | 55950.253573 | 55950.305961 | 1512.000 | 1512.000 | 0.001365 | 0.001371 | 449784.96600 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 6 | 614.023326 | McCoy, Mark; Ott, Jürgen; Meier, David S.; Mul... | Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host... | 2017 | Centaurus A with its host NGC5128 is the most ... | CenA 13CO, C18O, HNCO, H2CO COMP | Impellizzeri, Violette; Peck, Alison; Walter, ... | 1.400488 | 0.061695 | 0.852892 | uid://A002/X327408/X217 | uid://A002/X383b50/Xc45 | The Physics and Chemisty of Gas in Centaurus A... | S | TARGET | T | 12.599759 | 937500000.0 | A002:PM02 A004:DV04 A009:DA43 A011:DV12 A013:D... | F | 2015-02-12T13:48:59.000 | 1.330912 | [217.59..218.53GHz,488.28kHz,1.4mJy/beam@10km/... | 219.025328 | 663.940713 | Ott, Juergen | ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical... | McCoy, Mark | T | 2017ApJ...851...76M | Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)/Quasars (QSO), Me... | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 | |
4 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2011.0.00772.S | Public | 314.600374 | 31.972870 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00772.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | uid://A002/X3216af/X31 | cube | 2 | M83 | 204.269845 | -29.862594 | 0.054640 | Polygon ICRS 204.258830 -29.886906 204.254315 ... | 1.140462 | 56013.300683 | 56166.036243 | 757.304 | 757.304 | 0.002951 | 0.002979 | 208012.55000 | /XX/YY/ | phot.flux.density;phys.polarization | 3 | 614.003552 | Egusa, Fumi; Hirota, Akihiko; Baba, Junichi; M... | We describe an archival project using Cycle 0 ... | 2016 | Molecular-rich galaxies with prominent galacti... | m83-CO(1-0)-com m83-CO(1-0)-ext | Muraoka, Kazuyuki; Nakanishi, Kouichiro; Ishiz... | 11.590735 | 0.278101 | 1.821328 | uid://A002/X3216af/X31 | uid://A002/X3b3400/X90f | Giant Molecular Cloud Survey Toward bar and ar... | S | TARGET | T | 11.275626 | 937500000.0 | A003:DA41 A004:DV04 A008:DV19 A011:DV12 A015:D... | T | 2013-09-28T08:06:00.000 | 1.140462 | [100.63..101.58GHz,488.28kHz,11.6mJy/beam@10km... | 108.009449 | 1268.661088 | Hirota, Akihiko | ALMA <SUP>12</SUP>CO (J = 1-0) imaging of the ... | Egusa, Fumi Hirota, Akihiko Serigano, Joseph W... | T | 2016ApJ...821L...8S 2018ApJ...854...90E 2018MN... | Giant Molecular Clouds (GMC) properties, Inter... | ISM and star formation | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |