nb5. Query by spatial resolution |
The relevant columns in the ALMA Science Archive TAP service are
Import all necessary modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyvo
service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.eso.org/tap") # for the EU ALMA TAP service
# service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.nao.ac.jp/tap") # for the EA ALMA TAP service
# service = pyvo.dal.TAPService("https://almascience.nrao.edu/tap") # for the NA ALMA TAP service
def query_science_keyword_data_type_spatial_resolution(service, science_keyword, datatype, res_min, res_max):
"""Queries in a single query for the keyword, datatype (cube or image) and resolutions of science observations
service pyvo TAPService instance
science_keyword one of the science keywords (see Notebook 4, Example 4a or the ALMA Science Archive query interface)
datatype "cube" or "image"
res_min minimum spatial resolution in arcsec (see Notebook 0, Example 0a for the list of columns and their units)
res_max maximum spatial resolution in arcsec
returns pandas table
query = f"""
FROM ivoa.obscore
WHERE science_keyword like '%{science_keyword}%'
AND science_observation = 'T'
AND dataproduct_type = '{datatype}'
AND spatial_resolution < '{res_max}'
AND spatial_resolution > '{res_min}'
return service.search(query).to_table().to_pandas()
output_cont = query_science_keyword_data_type_spatial_resolution(service, 'Starburst galaxies', 'image', 0, 0.1)
access_url | access_format | proposal_id | data_rights | gal_longitude | gal_latitude | obs_publisher_did | obs_collection | facility_name | instrument_name | ... | frequency | velocity_resolution | obs_creator_name | pub_title | first_author | qa2_passed | bib_reference | science_keyword | scientific_category | lastModified | |
0 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2013.1.00001.S | Public | 99.677774 | -57.988309 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2013.1.00001.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | ... | 343.493812 | 26653.960581 | Ivison, Rob | A dusty star-forming galaxy at z = 6 revealed ... | Klitsch, A. Long, Arianna S. Ma, Jingzhe Oteo,... | T | 2016ApJ...827...34O 2017ApJ...850....1R 2018Ap... | Starburst galaxies, Sub-mm Galaxies (SMG) | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
1 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2013.1.00001.S | Public | 99.677774 | -57.988309 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2013.1.00001.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | ... | 343.493812 | 26653.960581 | Ivison, Rob | A dusty star-forming galaxy at z = 6 revealed ... | Klitsch, A. Long, Arianna S. Ma, Jingzhe Oteo,... | T | 2016ApJ...827...34O 2017ApJ...850....1R 2018Ap... | Starburst galaxies, Sub-mm Galaxies (SMG) | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
2 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2013.1.00001.S | Public | 99.677774 | -57.988309 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2013.1.00001.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | ... | 343.493812 | 26653.960581 | Ivison, Rob | A dusty star-forming galaxy at z = 6 revealed ... | Klitsch, A. Long, Arianna S. Ma, Jingzhe Oteo,... | T | 2016ApJ...827...34O 2017ApJ...850....1R 2018Ap... | Starburst galaxies, Sub-mm Galaxies (SMG) | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
3 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2013.1.00001.S | Public | 99.677774 | -57.988309 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2013.1.00001.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | ... | 343.493812 | 26653.960581 | Ivison, Rob | A dusty star-forming galaxy at z = 6 revealed ... | Klitsch, A. Long, Arianna S. Ma, Jingzhe Oteo,... | T | 2016ApJ...827...34O 2017ApJ...850....1R 2018Ap... | Starburst galaxies, Sub-mm Galaxies (SMG) | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
4 | http://almascience.org/aq?member_ous_id=uid://... | text/html | 2013.1.00001.S | Public | 107.865398 | -61.832810 | ADS/JAO.ALMA#2013.1.00001.S | ALMA | JAO | ALMA | ... | 343.493836 | 26653.960581 | Ivison, Rob | A dusty star-forming galaxy at z = 6 revealed ... | Klitsch, A. Long, Arianna S. Ma, Jingzhe Oteo,... | T | 2016ApJ...827...34O 2017ApJ...850....1R 2018Ap... | Starburst galaxies, Sub-mm Galaxies (SMG) | Active galaxies | 2021-09-30T16:34:41.133 |
5 rows × 63 columns
This is the distribution of high spatial-resolution continuum observations of starburst galaxies:
These are the target names associated with the continuum observations of starburst galaxies at high spatial-resolutions.
len(np.unique(output_cont['target_name'])), np.unique(output_cont['target_name'])
(87, array(['3c368', 'ALESS_112.1', 'ALESS_15.1', 'ALESS_17.1', 'ALESS_3.1', 'ALESS_76.1', 'ALESS_9.1', 'AzTEC-3', 'AzTEC_8', 'GDS-25998', 'GDS-9834', 'HELMS_182', 'HELMS_34', 'HELMS_42', 'HELMS_65', 'J2054-0005', 'MAMBO-9', 'SDSS_J2310+1855', 'SGP-33512', 'SGP-466329', 'SGP-51987', 'SGP-759717', 'SGP38326', 'SMMJ21352-0102', 'UDF2', 'UDF3', 'VV2006_J205724.2-003019', 'scuba2-035', 'scuba2-038', 'scuba2-041', 'scuba2-046', 'scuba2-048', 'scuba2-053', 'scuba2-054', 'scuba2-055', 'scuba2-061', 'scuba2-062', 'scuba2-064', 'scuba2-065', 'scuba2-066', 'scuba2-067', 'scuba2-068', 'scuba2-069', 'scuba2-070', 'scuba2-072', 'scuba2-074', 'scuba2-075', 'scuba2-076', 'scuba2-077', 'scuba2-080', 'scuba2-083', 'scuba2-084', 'scuba2-085', 'scuba2-086', 'scuba2-089', 'scuba2-091', 'scuba2-093', 'scuba2-094', 'scuba2-095', 'scuba2-097', 'scuba2-098', 'scuba2-099', 'scuba2-100', 'scuba2-101', 'scuba2-102', 'scuba2-103', 'scuba2-104', 'scuba2-105', 'scuba2-106', 'scuba2-107', 'scuba2-109', 'scuba2-111', 'scuba2-113', 'scuba2-114', 'scuba2-116', 'scuba2-118', 'scuba2-119', 'scuba2-120', 'scuba2-121', 'scuba2-122', 'scuba2-123', 'scuba2-124', 'scuba2-125', 'scuba2-126', 'scuba2-127', 'scuba2-128', 'scuba2-129'], dtype=object))
output_spec = query_science_keyword_data_type_spatial_resolution(service, 'Starburst galaxies', 'cube', 0, 0.1)
This is the distribution of high spatial-resolution spectroscopic observations of starburst galaxies:
These are the target names associated with the spectroscopic observations of starburst galaxies at high spatial-resolutions.
len(np.unique(output_spec['target_name'])), np.unique(output_spec['target_name'])
(11, array(['AzTEC-3', 'AzTEC_8', 'BRI1335', 'CDFS_12631', 'GDS-25998', 'NB2315', 'PKS_0529-549', 'SGP38326', 'SGP54107', 'SMMJ21352-0102', 'VV2006_J205724.2-003019'], dtype=object))