These are the deprojected, azimuthally-averaged radial profiles of the continuum surface brightnesses for the DSHARP targets. These profiles have been computed as described in Section 3.1 of DSHARP II: Characteristics of Annular Substructures by Huang et al. (2018, ApJL, 869, L42). From left to right, the columns are: 1) Radius in au. This assumes the distances in Table 1 of DSHARP I. 2) Radius in arcseconds. 3) Surface brightness (Inu) in units of Jy / beam. Beam dimensions are in Table 4 of DSHARP I (more precisely, in the BMAJ and BMIN header variables in the fiducial continuum FITS files provided in this Data Release). 4) 1-sigma uncertainties on 3), again in units of Jy / beam. 5) Brightness temperatures in units of K, calculated assuming the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation is valid; i.e., Tb where Inu = 2 nu**2 k Tb / c**2 with nu (the frequency) specified in Table 4 of DSHARP I (more precisely, in the CRVAL3 header variables in the fiducial continuum FITS files provided in this Data Release). Note that this requires the conversion of the Inu units in 3) into something more physically meaningful. It is useful to know that the area of a Gaussian beam with bmaj and bmin the FWHM of the major and minor beam axes is pi * bmaj * bmin / (4 ln 2) 6) 1-sigma uncertainties on 5), again in units of K. 7) Brightness temperatures in units of K, in this case using the full Planck equation; i.e., Tb where Inu = (2 h nu**3 / c**2) / (exp(h*nu / k*Tb) - 1) and unit conversions as discussed in the description of 5). This is the more appropriate Tb to use in comparisons to dust temperatures (and thereby optical depths) if that is of interest, since the mm part of the spectrum for typical disk temperatures is decidedly not in the R-J regime. Note that the Tb calculation in this case has a singularity when Inu <= 0 (i.e., in the noisy regions at large radius). In those cases, Tb = NAN. 8) A crude estimate of the 1-sigma uncertainties on 7), again in units of K. The general approach here is to take the average of the deviations in Tb from the mean in 7) induced by the 1-sigma uncertainties on Inu in 4). [The average because in general the nonlinearity of the Tb definition means that the proper pdf for Tb is asymmetric if the pdf for Inu is Gaussian and symmetric; that asymmetry is generally small here, so we ignore it.] But again, in cases where the lower uncertainty bound on Inu is <= 0 (i.e., in the noisy outer disk, or even in deep gaps) the corresponding singularity poses a problem. There we simply adopt a symmetric uncertainty based on the upper bound uncertainty instead. There are certainly different (better) approaches for how to deal with these issues; users should feel free to adopt a different set of assumptions by re-calculating the Tb curves from the Inu curves (or the images directly). *** Special notes on AS 205 and HT Lup: These profiles were constructed using the procedure described in DSHARP II, assuming the geometries derived in the spiral models in DSHARP IV (Kurtovic et al. 2018). The HT Lup profile corresponds to the primary disk only (the nearby companion disk is removed). We provide 2 profiles for the AS 205 system, corresponding to the primary (labeled N) and the secondary (labeled S; itself a close binary system). *** UPDATE: A bug in the calculation of the radii in arcseconds was corrected in 2019 August. *** UPDATE: Some typos in the README files and URL links were fixed in 2020 February. *** UPDATE: Only the NA local pages recorded the 2019 August updates: if you downloaded radial profiles prior to 2020 February, please replace them with the revised profiles in this release.