This Readme file contains a description of the Mira Band 6
ALMA 2014 Long Baseline Campaign Science Verification 
data, scripts and data products. 

Spectral windows include continuum and several SiO transitions
(isotopologues and vibrational states) and an H2O line.

The resolution achieved for the continuum data (231 GHz) is 34 x 24 mas.

Additional information can be found at:

The Calibrated Data and Reference Images provided here were produced using
CASA version 4.2.2.

The imaging scripts and other imaging details can be found at the following
CASA guide page:


Mira_Band6_CalibrationScripts.tgz contains the calibration scripts:

* uid___A002_X91bdc6_X423.ms.scriptForCalibration.py
* uid___A002_X920302_X137.ms.scriptForCalibration.py

Mira_Band6_UncalibratedData.tgz contains the raw data:

Two asdm datasets:
* uid___A002_X91bdc6_X423
* uid___A002_X920302_X137

Mira_Band6_CalibratedData.tgz contains the calibrated uv-data:
* Mira_2days.ms.split.concat
* Mira_2days.ms.split.calavg
* calibration

To produce these calibrated datasets you will need to execute the calibration
scripts in Mira_Band6_CalibrationScripts.tgz and follow the imaging script
that is located at the CASA guide page listed above.

The directory "calibration" contains the self-calibration tables that are
produced as part of the imaging script. Users can use these tables to
self-calibrate the provided calibrated data. Alternatively, users can perform
self-calibration and generate these tables by following the provided imaging
scripts that are located on the CASA guide page. Note that self-calibration
was performed on the continuum and line data separately.

Mira_Band6_ReferenceImages.tgz contains the line and continuum image products:

* Mira_2days.29SiOv0_apms.image
* Mira_2days.29SiOv0_apms.image.mom0.fits
* Mira_2days.cont_ap.image
* Mira_2days.H2Ov1_ap.image
* Mira_2days.H2Ov1_ap.image.mom0.fits
* Mira_2days.SiOv0_apms.image
* Mira_2days.SiOv0_apms.image.mom0.fits
* Mira_2days.SiOv1_apms.image
* Mira_2days.SiOv1_apms.image.mom0.fits
* Mira_2days.SiOv2_ap.image
* Mira_2days.SiOv2_ap.image.mom0.fits


Publications making use of these data must include the following statement 
in the acknowledgement:

"This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00014.SV. 
ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and 
NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada) and NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), 
in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is 
operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ."

In addition, publications from NA authors must include the standard NRAO 

"The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National 
Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated 
Universities, Inc."
