Website for Alma telescope researchers

East-Asian ALMA Regional Center (EA-ARC)
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About EA-ARC

The East Asian ALMA Regional Center (EA ARC) is based at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) founded by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan in cooperation with the Academia Sinica (AS) in Taiwan. EA ARC provides the primary gateway to ALMA for East Asian user community. The ARC are staffed by scientists with expertise in radio astronomy and interferometry, and their purpose is to work with the community of astronomers to maximize the scientific productivity of the telescope. The EA ARC Headquarters is located at NAOJ in Mitaka. The key user service of the EA ARC at the Headquarters includes the complete trajectory from proposal preparation and observational preparation to the delivery of the calibrated science products to the users. In addition to the user services, the EA ARC provides a number of functional duties directed toward ALMA operations, commissioning, development, and outreach.

The Taiwan has an ARC station, and it is located at the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics in Academia Sinica (ASIAA) in Taipei. In collaboration with EA ARC and NA ARC, it serves all the ALMA user community in Taiwan, and offers supports for the ALMA proposal and observational preparation, data reduction and data analysis. As for user support, there is also coordination with the University Consortium of ALMA-Taiwan (UCAT). The information for the Taiwanese ARC is available from Taiwanese ARC in ASIAA.

Korea has an ARC station, and it is located at the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) in Daejeon. In collaboration with EA ARC, it serves all the ALMA user community in Korea, and offers supports for the ALMA proposal and observational preparation, data reduction and data analysis. The information for the Korean ARC is available from Korea ARC Node .

EA ARC supports the operation of the ASTE telescope, a 10-m submillimeter telescope at Atacama to maximize the scientific output from ALMA.