European ALMA Regional Centre
The European ALMA Regional Centre (ARC) provides the interface between the ALMA project and the European science community. The ARC is staffed by scientists with expertise in radio astronomy and interferometry and it supports its users throughout the lifetime of a project, from proposal preparation to data analysis. The primary aim of the European ARC is to maximize ALMA’s scientific return for European users.
The European ARC is organized as a coordinated network of scientific support nodes distributed across Europe located in Bologna, Bonn/Cologne, Grenoble, Leiden, Manchester, Ondřejov, and Onsala. The central node is located at ESO Headquarters in Garching bei München and carries the responsibility for all the core ARC activities as well as the coordination of the science support provided by the regional nodes. A more detailed description is available in the ‘Guide to the European ALMA Regional Centre’.
The European ARC is the point of contact for European ALMA users from the moment of proposal submission to the actual distribution of calibrated data and subsequent analysis via the ALMA Helpdesk.

Would you like more information on the European ARC and the services provided? Download the Guide to the European ARC.
Please direct any questions or comments to the ALMA Helpdesk. Detailed technical information about ALMA, including software download and documentation can be found at the ALMA Science Portal.
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User support by the European ARC receives support from the Opticon Radionet Pilot (ORP). The ORP project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004719 |