Latest CASA Release: 6.7
• Intel Macs: CASA 6.7.0 no longer runs on Mac OS Intel x86 machines.
• CASA Viewer: the CASA Viewer is no longer packaged with Mac OS (details here).
• sdimaging: task sdimaging is deprecated (use tsdimaging instead).
• tclean: new (experimental) gridder option ‘awp2’ (refactor of awproject).
• gencal: added support for the output of task getantposalma.
• fringefit: updated support of corrcomb=’stokes’ (formerly ‘all’) and corrcomb=’parallel’.
• phaseshift: added multi-field specification of the phasecenter parameter.
• sdimaging/tsdimaging: proper derivation of weight values for Stokes I.
• plotbandpass: upgraded to support band-to-band calibration.
• plotbandpass: plotting of hsd_skycal solutions.
• plotbandpass: more robust identification of unique solution timestamps.
• smoothcal: improvements to smoothing of fringefit solutions.
• msmd.almaspws: identifies ALMA FDM spectral windows with heavy online channel averaging.
• tclean: initial work to support GPU gridding (not yet available for general use).
For details and more, see
CASA is being developed by an international team of scientists based at the National Radio Astronomical Observatory (NRAO), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), under the guidance of NRAO.