
Science Highlight




Call for Proposals for the Advanced Study for Upgrades of ALMA

deadlines: 18 July (intent) and 5 September 2016 (proposal)


Call for Proposals ref. CFP/ESO/16/11115/OSZ for the Advanced Study for Upgrades of the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA)


ESO invites interested Institutes in the ESO Member States to submit a Proposal(s) for the "ADVANCED STUDY FOR UPGRADES OF THE ATACAMA LARGE MILLIMETER/SUBMILLIMETER ARRAY (ALMA)".

Please contact ESO's contracts department (Orsolya SzĂ©csĂ©nyi, oszecsen@eso.org , or Leonardo Testi, ltesti@eso.org ) for more information.

Invitees to Proposal are requested to send by e-mail to ESO (oszecsen@eso.org with copy to aspecht@eso.org), at the latest by Monday 18 July 2016, the form “Acknowledgement of Receipt” stating whether or not they intend to submit a Proposal.

The deadline for proposals is 05 September 2016.

ESO is organizing a one-day information meeting at its Headquarters in Garching (Germany) on Wednesday 22nd June 2016. Individuals interested in this meeting should communicate their intention to participate as soon as possible to the contact for Scientific / Technical matters: Leonardo Testi, ltesti@eso.org with copy to oszecsen@eso.org. Please be informed that the meeting can be organized by video conference.