
Science Highlight




Previous OT version (Cycle 10)

Download & Installation of the (previous) Cycle 10 version of the OT

It is recommended that the OT be installed using the ALMA OT Installer. This uses a modern graphical interface to report the progress of the installation and allows the user to change various settings from their defaults, including the amount of memory the OT may use. The installation will produce an executable file that can be used to start the OT. With the loss of Web Start, automatic updates of the tool are no longer possible, but the OT will detect if an update is available at start-up and inform the user. If problems are encountered with the installer, then the tarball must be used. The first release of the OT Installer in 2020 would not run on macOS Catalina due to security issues, but these have now been resolved and it should run correctly on all macOS releases, including Catalina and Big Sur.

The tarball version must be installed manually and the instructions for doing this have not changed.


installer_button tarball_button



OT Cycle 10 Web Start download:





Click on one of the links next to the OT Logo to download the Cycle-9 OT Installer for your particular operating system. The Installer is an executable file which can be started by double-clicking in a file-manager window or started from a shell's command line. Once started, it will take you through a number of screens which, for example, allow you to change the default amount of memory available to the OT. In most cases you can just accept all the defaults using the 'Next' button and click 'Install' when you are happy.

After the Installer has finished, an executable file ('ALMA-OT.sh' on Linux and 'ALMA-OT.app' on Macs) should be found inside a directory named 'ALMAOT-C10-2023'. This can be run from the command line or by double-clicking in a file manager if this is configured in this way. We recommend that the name of this directory not be changed so that multiple versions of the OT (for use in different cycles) can be maintained on your computer. On Macs, a shortcut will be created on your Desktop with the name 'ALMAOT-C10-2023' - the OS will probably ask to control your Finder for this to happen.

Additional Information

  • The Mac download is a zip archive which must first be opened in order to extract the installer. This will often be done automatically for you or a suitable program will be suggested ('Archive Utility').
  • On Linux, typing 'sh almaot-C10-2023.bin' is the recommended way of starting the installer - it should not be necessary to make it executable.
  • There may be various issues related to security when running the Installer. Mac users may need to give permission to run the tool by opening the 'Security & Privacy' menu of 'System Preferences' and this menu should also be set to allow the use of apps from 'identified developers'. Alternatively, running the installer by right-clicking and choosing 'Open' (maybe twice) might work. On Windows, we are aware of 'Defender SmartScreen' - this can be bypassed by clicking on 'More Info'.
  • It also appears that the installer will not work on older versions of macOS. So far, we only know that this is the case for 10.10 Yosemite. Users of this OS will have to use the tarball.
  • In contrast to the previous 'automated' OT installation (Web Start), the OT will no longer update itself automatically if an update is released. However, the OT will inform you if an update is available after which a new version of the OT Installer should be downloaded and the install procedure repeated. Re-running the Installer will overwrite the previous installation.



OT Cycle 10 Tarball download:


If you experience problems with the new OT Installer, the tarball version remains available and the instructions for installing this have not changed. However, the tarball version now comes with its own version of Java so it is not necessary to have a copy of Java 11 on your computer. Alternatively, if you wish to use a pre-installed version of Java 11, a fourth version of the tarball installation is available that does not come with its own Java distribution. This should work on any OS.

The installation instructions for the tarball version are:

1. Download the tarball in your preferred format:

2. Unpack the tarball (it will unpack into its own directory)

3. Run post-installation setup

  • Linux or Mac OS:

    cd ALMAOT-C10-2023/setup
    cd ..

  • MS Windows

-> Go to the ALMAOT-C10-2023/setup directory

-> Double click "Setup-Windows" (may read "Setup-Windows.cmd")

4. Start up the OT

  • Mac OS:

./ALMA-OT.app or double-click in a Finder window

  • Linux:

./ALMA-OT.sh or double-click in a window manager if this is configured to run executable files from the terminal

  • MS Windows

Double-click "ALMA-OT" (might read "ALMA-OT.cmd")